events events

June 1st

JUNE 1–3, 2018

Co-sponsored by the Omohundro Institute and the John Carter Brown Library
and held on the campus of Brown UniversityAll sessions, unless otherwise noted, take place at 85 Waterman Street in room 130.

FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 2018

8:30 a.m.
Registration opens and coffee is available.
Opening remarks

 Session 1 • Cross-border Kidnapping, Enslavement, and Rendition

Chair: Rashauna Johnson, Dartmouth College

Richard Bell, University of Maryland, “The Impact of Anti-Kidnapping Activism”

Jon Wells, University of Michigan, “African Americans and Kidnapping in the Early Republic”

Randy Sparks, Tulane University, “‘Britons Never Shall Be Slaves’: Kidnapping and Illegal Enslavement in the Caribbean, 1830–1860”


 Session 2 • Health, Slavery, and Medical Science

Chair: Greg E. O’Malley, University of California Santa Cruz

Marisa Fuentes, Rutgers University, “Refuse Bodies, Disposable Lives: African Captives and Death in Ports during the Early Transatlantic Slave Trade”

Carolyn Roberts, Yale University, “Hidden Enslaved Healers: Medicine, Archival Silences, and Interdisciplinary Methodologies in the History of the Transatlantic Slave Trade”

Jim Downs, Connecticut College, “Turning the Page: Slavery, the Archive, and Scientific Knowledge Production”


(Many local options are available.)


 Session 3 • Recreating African America: Intercolonial and Domestic Slave Trades to the Lower Mississippi Valley

Chair: Jean-Pierre Le Glaunec, Sherbrooke University

William Jones, Rice University, “Colliding Creole Cultures: The Cultural Consequences of Forced Migration in Louisiana”

Patrick Luck, Florida Polytechnic University, “Remaking a Slave Population: Slave Trades in the Lower Mississippi Valley between 1783 and 1820”

Michael Picone, University of Alabama, “Linguistic Effects of Slave Migration in the American South”

Sara E. Johnson, University of California San Diego, “To ‘Tame’ Kikongo: Linguistic Battlegrounds in the Migrant Atlantic”

Reception at the Center for the Study of Slavery and Justice, 94 Waterman Street.