PublicationsOverview PublicationsOverview

Publications Overview

3D SER., 72, NO. 2 (APRIL 2015)

Cohabitation, Suriname-Style: English Inhabitants in Dutch Suriname after 667
Abstract  | Web Supplement
Alison Games

Guinea Factors, Slave Sales, and the Profits of the Transatlantic Slave Trade in Late Eighteenth-Century Jamaica: The Case of John Tailyour
Nicholas Radburn

ÜNo one here knows half so much of this matter as yourself”: The Deployment of Expertise in Silvester Gardiner&#’s Surgical,Druggist, and Land Speculation Networks, 1734&#;83
Zachary Dorner

Sources and Interpretations

Glimpses of Roanoke, Visions of New Mexico, and Dreams of Empire in the Mixed-Up Memories of Gerónimo de la Cruz
Abstract  | Web Supplement
Joseph Hall

Reviews of Books

ÜSeeing Shawnees in Early America,” a review essay of Lakomäki, Gathering Together: The Shawnee People through Diaspora and Nationhood, 1600&#;1870 ; Steele, Setting All the Captives Free: Capture, Adjustment, and Recollection in Allegheny Country; and Warren, The Worlds the Shawnees Made: Migration and Violence in Early America. By Laura Keenan Spero351

Kopelson, Faithful Bodies: Performing Religion and Race in the Puritan Atlantic . By Edward E. Andrews367

O&#’Malley, Final Passages: The Intercolonial Slave Trade of British America, 619&#;1807 . By Wim Klooster370

Roberts, Slavery and the Enlightenment in the British Atlantic, 750&#;1807 . By Nathaniel Millett373

Shaw, Everyday Life in the Early English Caribbean: Irish, Africans, and the Construction of Difference . By Justin Roberts377

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