PublicationsOverview PublicationsOverview

Publications Overview

3D SER., 47, NO. 3 (JULY 1990)

The Village Enlightenment in New England, 1760&#;1820 
David Jaffee

The Revolutionary Transformation of American Freemasonry, 1752&#;1792 
Steven C. Bullock

“The Great Mischief Complain&#;d of”: Reflections on the Misconduct of
British Soldiers in the Revolutionary War 
Stephen Conway

Notes and Documents

“A Factious Spirit”: Constitutional Theory and Political Practice
in Connecticut, c. 1740 
Bruce P. Stark

Van der Donck&#;s Description of the Indians: Additions and Corrections 
Ada van Gastel

Alexander Hamilton, “the Celebrated Mr. Neckar,” and Public Credit 
Donald F. Swanson and Andrew P. Trout

Reviews of Books


Hatch, The Democratization of American Christianity. By Robert M. Calhoon 432

Handbook of North American Indians, ed. Sturtevant. Vol. 4: History of Indian-White Relations, ed. Washburn. By William A. Starna 435

Kukla, Political Institutions in Virginia, 1619&#;1660. By Martin H. Quitt 437

Bremer, Puritan Crisis: New England and the English Civil Wars, 1630&#;1670. By E. BrooksHolifield 440

Noll, Princeton and the Republic, 1768&#;1822: The Search for a Christian Enlightenment in the Era of Samuel Stanhope Smith. By David W. Robson 442

Truxes, Irish&#;American Trade, 1660–1783. By T. M. Devine 444

Breen, Imagining the Past: East Hampton Histories. By Daniel Vickers 446

Calhoon et al., The Loyalist Perception and Other Essays. By William Pencak 448

Thistlethwaite, Dorset Pilgrims: The Story of Westcountry Pilgrims Who Went to New England in the 17th Century. By Bruce C. Daniels 449

Ward, Major General Adam Stephen and the Cause of American Liberty. By Jeffrey J. Crow 451

Cashin, The King&#;s Ranger: Thomas Brown and the American Revolution on the Southern Frontier. By George R. Lamplugh 453

Miller, Jefferson and Nature: An Interpretation. By Eugene R. Sheridan 455

Zall, Franklin&#;s Autobiography: A Model Life. By Hugh J. Dawson 457

Papers of John Adams. Series III: General Correspondence and Other Papers of the Adams Statesmen. Vol. 3: May 1775&#;January 1776. Vol. 4: February–August 1776. Index, ed. Taylor et al. Vol. 5: August 1776–March 1778, ed. Taylor et al. Vol. 6: March–August 1778. Index, ed. Taylor et al.Vol. 7: September 1778–February 1779. Vol. 8: March 1779–February 1780, ed. 
Lint et al. By John Ferling 459

John Marshall&#;s Achievement: Law, Politics, and Constitutional Interpretations, ed. Shevory. By Kent Newmyer 464

Sosin, The Aristocracy of the Long Robe: The Origins of Judicial Review in America. By Peter Charles Hoffer 467

Clinton, “Marbury v. Madison” and Judicial Review. By Peter Charles Hoffer 467

Idzerda, Loveland, and Miller, Lafayette, Hero of Two Worlds: The Art and Pageantry of His Farewell Tour of America, 1824&#;1825. By Gregg L. Lint 471


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