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Publications Overview

3D SER., 32, NO. 2 (APRIL 1975)

The Economic Development of the Thirteen Continental Colonies, 1720 to 1775 
Marc Egnal

New England and the Fifth Monarchy: The Quest for the Millennium in Early American Puritanism 
J. F. Maclear

Benjamin Franklin and the American Prisoners of War in England during the American Revolution 
Catherine M. Prelinger

Whit, Whimsy and Politics: The Uses of Satire by The Tuesday Club of Annapolis, 1744&#;1756 
Elaine G. Breslaw

New Time Series for Scotland&#;s and Britain’s Trade with the Thirteen Colonies and States, 1740 to 1791 
Jacob M. Price

Sheridan, Sugar and Slavey: An Economic History of the British West Indies, 1623&#;1775 By John J. McCusker 332

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