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Uncommon Sense

By oieahc · December 21, 2015

Who Lives, Who Dies, and Who Tells Your Story

#VastEarlyAmerica 2 min read

ICYMI, we direct your attention to Scholarly Kitchen Chef and OI Director Karin Wulf ’s reflection on Hamilton, the lyrics that ask one of the fundamental questions facing historians, and the real work of writing history in today’s Scholarly Kitchen.

The Scholarly Kitchen might be the only place I haven’t seen Lin-Manuel Miranda’s astonishing musical, Hamilton, discussed, and I figured we needed to fix that. Arguably early American history’s most extraordinary musical moment since 1776, Hamilton raises questions about history and historical practice that reflects what scholars are and aren’t doing.

But perhaps you haven’t been inundated on social media with #Hamilton, #Hamiltunes, #Ham4Ham or the many iterations (#Force4Ham, anyone?), haven’t seen the cast reviewed, interviewed andphotographed, or seen the Disney-fied animation, and haven’t had your mental pictures of Thomas Jefferson and George Washington as painted by Gilbert Stuart replaced by the visages of Daveed Diggs and Christopher Jackson.

Continue reading on Scholarly Kitchen.

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