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Uncommon Sense

By oieahc · December 11, 2014

Welcome to Uncommon Sense—the blog

The Octo 3 min read

As those familiar with the OIEAHC know, last April, in recognition of readers’ evolving habits, and environmental and cost sensitivities, the publication of Uncommon Sense moved completely online. Reports from the Director, Editor of the WMQ (Quarterly Notes) and Books Editor (Ad Libros) as well as features and reprints of favorite articles from the archives under the category of “Classic Sense” anchor the publication.

But the OI has news to report more than the traditional twice-yearly publication of Uncommon Sense and so we bring you Uncommon Sense — the blog.  Interviews with current Quarterly authors and newly published book authors, updates from OI staff members, and reports on our conferences are just a few of the topics that need to be published as they happen. Taken together with the continuing bi-annual production of our longer format Uncommon Sense, we hope readers gain an even richer picture of life at the Institute than they had before.

And while the combined Uncommon Sense provides Early Americanists with a window on the OI, the OI is also providing a broader window on the world of Early American scholarship with The Octo. Edited by historian and blogger Joseph M. Adelman, The Octo showcases some of the best and brightest online writing available about Early America and historical scholarship. We plan to feature work on a rotating basis, so we hope you’ll find it a resource to check regularly for updates from the blogosphere.

We hope you enjoy them.

Martha Howard and Joseph M. Adelman


[…] The OIEAHC also launched its own blog “Uncommon Sense.” […]
Wednesday Link Roundup #78: Interesting History Links from the End of 2014 - Elizabeth M. Covart | Elizabeth M. Covart  •  March 04, 2016
Seems to be a danger of bloggoreah here, blogged down in much ado etcetc. So I'll visit Martha and Joseph occasionally, and meantime be glad that the blog on the Huntington seems not to mention the raked Zen garden behind the Japanese garden there. I grew up near the Huntington (not in Pasadena!), and found in the Zen garden, where one was almost always alone, a peace in silence. The poetry of Jane Hirshfield comes to mind. Meantime, in one or another of the Institute's recent more official communications, I liked very much Martha's little note, and Fredrika's that as I recall mentioned Steve Fosters wonderful second book of years ago, as a pioneering study. Felt at home there. Thank you. Grace in variety.
ken lockridge  •  December 25, 2014

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