“Mistress, Housemaid, Daughter, Spy: Servants and the Management of Household
 Gossip in 17th Century New England"

OI Colloquium with Melissa Johnson In seventeenth-century New England, female servants’ presence in intimate settings, their mobility in towns and villages, and their associations with other households made them part of a complex set of relationships through which information flowed. Servant gossip had the potential to upend hierarchies and household governance by creating opportunities for lower status women and… Read More

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Queen Charlotte and Transatlantic Women's Intellectual Networks

Join the Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institute online this Monday, January 25, 2021 at 2:30 pm EST (7:30 pm GMT), for a talk by Karin Wulf, professor of history at William & Mary and executive director of the OI. Professor Wulf will draw on the research and materials of the Georgian… Read More

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