ONLINE Colloq with Heather Freund

Join us online on Tuesday, November 14, 2023, at 5:00 pm ET for a colloquium with Heather Freund. Dr. Freund will discuss an article in progress titled, “Plotting Marronage in Early Nineteenth Century Grenada.” The article explores marronage in early nineteenth-century Grenada through lists of runaway slaves – some of which include their names, where they fled from, and… Read More

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Colloquium with Kathryn M. de Luna

Join us in the OI Conference room, Swem Library, campus of William & Mary, for a discussion of “Toward a History of Palmares in Terms of Africa: the Conceptual Architecture of Marronage and the Enchantment of the Archive.” Kathryn M. de Luna is a Provost Distinguished Associate Professor at Georgetown University who “works in two contexts: African pasts that… Read More

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“Asserting Pregnancy in a Colonial Prison: Resounding Silences in Cecilia’s Record”

In 1784, Cecilia Conway—a maroon woman arrested in New Orleans—asserted that she was pregnant, thereby altering the trajectory of the state-sanctioned sexual violence and capital punishment inflicted upon her in response to her marronage. Cecilia was imprisoned at the height of a Spanish campaign against communities of cimarrones living outside New Orleans. The exchanges between officials and Cecilia noted by the men… Read More

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