Religions, Nation States, and Politics in Vast Early America

Join us for an OI Author Conversation with Kate Carté and Julia Gaffield. How can we best understand the connections between religion, war, and political upheaval in the Age of Revolution?  Explorations into the intersection of politics and religion are often framed in terms of the impact of political upheaval on religious faith and practice.  Seen this way, religion figures… Read More

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2026 and Religion: A Conversation with Katherine Carté

With this post, Uncommon Sense inaugurates a planned series of conversations with OI book authors about how their work relates to the American Revolution. It is one of the ways in which the OI is contributing to the Semiquincentennial, the commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence in 2026. In its eight decades, the… Read More

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Teaching the Jerks 

Today’s post comes from Doug Winiarski, author of Darkness Falls on the Land of Light: Experiencing Religious Awakenings in Eighteenth-Century New England, published in 2017 by the Omohundro Institute with our partners at the University of North Carolina Press. Winner of the Bancroft Prize and several other awards, it… Read More

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