The Year in Publications

Today’s post comes from our interim Editor of Books, Paul W. Mapp. From an editor’s point of view, and, I suspect, from the reading public’s point of view, the exciting feature of 2016 for the Books program here at the Institute was the publication of a good number of excellent titles. Equally heartening are the numerous and strong volumes… Read More

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Reflections on the Lapidus Scholars' Workshop

Today’s guest post is by Bryan C. Rindfleisch, an assistant professor of history at Marquette University. It was July 4, 2016. I found myself sitting on the curb at the intersection of Duke of Gloucester and Henry Streets, at one of the entrances to Colonial Williamsburg. I watched as families, big and small, dashed into air-conditioned stores and restaurants. Read More

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How to become an academic book editor in five easy steps

Today’s post is by Nadine Zimmerli, Associate Editor of Book Publications, on how she came to academic publishing as a career. I skipped class in high school precisely once, to attend the Leipzig Book Fair (I know, it doesn’t get nerdier than that…). There, I asked a local publisher—I believe it was Reclam—whether they had any internship positions available… Read More

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