Remarks from "Private Funding in the Humanities," AHA session #289

The following is a transcript of remarks given by Sid Lapidus during session #289, “Private Funding in the Humanities,” at the January 2018 American Historical Association meeting in Washington, D.C. Introduction by Karin Wulf At the January 2018 meeting of the American Historical Association, I chaired a session, put together by the program committee, on the vital subject of… Read More

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Writing Early American History with Sound

Today’s post is by Liz Covart, the Lapidus Initiative Assistant Editor for New Media and host of Ben Franklin’s World. I’ve been thinking a lot about horses. Specifically, what a Narragansett Pacer mare would have sounded like galloping on a dirt road in mid-April in the dead of night.[1] If I were a bystander, I might hear the… Read More

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Reflections on the Lapidus Scholars' Workshop

Today’s guest post is by Bryan C. Rindfleisch, an assistant professor of history at Marquette University. It was July 4, 2016. I found myself sitting on the curb at the intersection of Duke of Gloucester and Henry Streets, at one of the entrances to Colonial Williamsburg. I watched as families, big and small, dashed into air-conditioned stores and restaurants. Read More

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