Jamestown Foundation Recipients
Fellowship Information Application
- Michael Jarvis, University of Rochester — “Visualizing Spaces in Earliest Anglo-America”
- Rachel Winchcombe, University of Manchester — “‘They being our first instructers for the planting of their Indian Corne’: Commensality, Culinary Exchange, and Anglo-Indigenous Relations”
- Nathan Braccio, University of Connecticut — “Parallel Landscapes: Algonquian and English Spatial Understandings of New England, 1500-1700”
- Annemarie McLaren, Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology, Cambridge — “‘Badges of silver or copper’: Peace Medals and Delicate Diplomacy in Early Colonial Jamestowne”
- Emily Sackett, University of Virginia — “Women Wanted: Gender, Race, and the Origins of American Plantation Societies, 1607-1720”
- Rachel Tracey, Queen’s University Belfast — “Comparative Archaeologies of the Early Atlantic World: British Colonial Encounters in Ireland and the Chesapeake”
- George Boudreau, McNeil Center for Early American Studies — “‘Telling the Story’: Material Culture, Surviving Spaces, and the Presentation of Early America’s History”
- Simon Sun, Harvard University — “‘For That Way, You Shall Soonest Find The Other Sea’: Colonial Jamestown—Williamsburg in Chinese Perspective (1607—1774)”
- Scott Berthelette, University of Saskatchewan – “Between Sovereignty and Statecraft: New France and the Contest for the Hudson Bay Watershed, 1663–1774”
- Ywone Edwards-Ingram, William & Mary– “Coachmen in Slavery and Freedom: The Convergence of Work and Display”
- Luciano Figueiredo, Universidade Federal Fluminense — “Jamestown and Rio de Janeiro by the Atlantic: compared perspectives of Bacon’s Rebellion and the Revolt of Rio in the seventeenth century”
- Evan Haefeli, Texas A&M University — “The British Imperial Expansion of American Religious Diversity, 1660–1732”
- Hannah Tucker, University of Virginia — “Masters of the Market: Mercantile Ship Captaincy in the Colonial British Atlantic, 1607–1774”
- Karin Amundsen, University of Southern California — “Metallurgy, Mining, and English Colonization in the Americas, 1550–1624”
- Julia King, Maryland Historical Trust — “Political Development and Virginia’s Plantation Landscape”
- Emily Rose, Harvard University — study of the Virginia Company of London (1606–1624) and its lasting impact on early America
- Edmond Smith, University of Kent — “The City of London, Corporate Behaviour and the Development of the Virginia Plantation, 1609–1619”
- Lauren McMillan, University of Mary Washington — “Illicit Trade in the 17th Century Chesapeake: An Archaeological and Historical Study of Dutch Smuggling Activities in Virginia and Maryland”
- Ashli White, University of Miami — “Object Lessons of the Revolutionary Atlantic”
- Lauren Working, University of Durham — “Material Civility and Private Selves in Early Jamestown, 1607–1630”
- Ernesto Mercado-Montero, University of Texas — “Crossing Borderlands, Contesting Empires: The Black Caribs and the Politics of Allegiance and Independence in the Caribbean, 1763–1832 ”
- Melissa Morris, Columbia University — “Cultivating Colonies: Tobacco and the Upstart Empires”