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“Women Make History” Wikistorm, part 2

Colleagues and friends assembled for an informal editing session for “Women Make History” on Friday, January 18, 2019 on the campus of William & Mary. The group met in the OI conference room, ground floor of Swem Library, and continued to add or augment the entries for 100 women from early American history to Wikipedia. Editorial assistance was provided.

“Women Make History” Wikistorm

The Omohundro Institute sponsored the “Women Make History” Wikistorm on Saturday, November 3 on the campus of William & Mary. The session inaugurated an OI-led effort to add 100 women from early American history to Wikipedia.

Watch a short film about the Wikistorm here.

Veronica Paredes, an active member of FemTechNet, facilitated the Wikistorm and taught participants how to update the online encyclopedia. No experience with Wikipedia was needed to join the editing session.

W&M alum Steven Pruitt (Class of 2006), a leading Wikipedia editor with over 2.5 million edits to his credit, joined the Wikistorm as well.

Watch a short interview with Steven Pruitt here.

“Women Make History” was part of a celebration of 100 Years of Women at W&M and honored the memory of Mary Maples Dunn (1931-2017), who served as President of Smith College and Director of the Schlesinger Library at Harvard and was also a W&M alumna, early American historian, and OI Council and Board member (1974–1980). The 2018 Vast Early America lecture by early American and feminist historian Ann Little closed out the day’s events.