events events

June 16th



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All conference sessions, unless otherwise noted, take place in the Sadler Center, 200 Stadium Drive, on the campus of William & Mary. Parking is available.

8:30 a.m.
Registration opens
Book exhibits open
Chesapeake A

 Session 23 • “Inherited Empire: Civil Law and Custom in ‘New France’ after 1763”
York Room

Chair/Comment: Eliga Gould, University of New Hampshire

Andrew Dyrli Hermeling, Lehigh University,“Pontiac and the Drapeau Blanc: Reexamining French Involvement in Pontiac’s War”

Julia Lewandoski, University of California Berkeley, “Lingering Empire: French Land Tenure and Indigenous Nations in British Quebec, 1763–1854”

Adam Nadeau, University of New Brunswick, “‘Their ancient usages restored’: French Civil Law and the Endurance of Viceregalism in Quebec and the Upper Country, 1763–1774”

 Session 24 • “Wildness & Domestication: Controlling Animal and Human Bodies in Early Anglo-America”
Tidewater A

Chair: Julie Richter, William & Mary

Strother Roberts, Bowdoin College, “Curs, Conquest, and Cullings: Dogs as Symbols and Actors in the Conquest of New England”

Joshua Kercsmar, Unity College, “Wildness and Domestication in Caribbean Slave Societies, 1750–1834”

Emily Pawley, Dickinson College, “Shaping Places: Environmental Flexibility, Bodily Change, and the Merino Sheep Experiment”

Comment: The Audience

 Session 25 • “Publishing Your Work: A Roundtable with Journal Editors for Graduate Students and Younger Scholars”
Tidewater B

Moderator: Phil Gould, Brown University

Sandra Gustafson, University of Notre Dame, Early American Literature

Roderick McDonald, Rider University, Early American Studies

Marion Rust, University of Kentucky, Early American Literature

Catherine E. Kelly, Omohundro Institute, Journal of the Early Republic

Joshua Piker, Omohundro Institute, William and Mary Quarterly

 Session 26 • “Jonathan Edwards on the Fringes of the American Enlightenment”
James Room

Chair/Comment: Kenneth Minkema, Yale University

Daniel Gullotta, Stanford University, “Jonathan Edwards and the ‘Delusions of Satan’: Witchcraft, Reason, and Religion in the Age of Enlightenment”

John T. Lowe, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, “‘The Practice that Prevails’: Jonathan Edwards, the Bible, and Slavery”

Amelia Marini, CUNY Graduate Center, “Communicating Happiness: Jonathan Edwards and the Art of Perception”

 Session 27 • “Coercion and Labor”
Chesapeake B

Chair: Michael Dickinson, Virginia Commonwealth University

Sonia Tycko, Harvard University, “Captured Consent and the Rise of the Service Indenture”

Cathleene Hellier, William & Mary, “‘Is, When He Pleases, a Very Complete Domestic Servant’: Work, Skills, and Masculine Power in the Relationship between Enslaved Menservants and Owners in Eighteenth-Century Virginia”

Nicholas Rinehart, Harvard University “Enslaved Complaint, Institutional Rhythm, Lateral Agency”

Comment: Holly Brewer, University of Maryland College Park

 Session 28 • “Useful Manufactures: The Politics of American Self-Sufficiency”
Chesapeake C

Chair: Margaret Newell, Ohio State University

James Ambuske, University of Virginia, “‘Much to the Advantage of Britain’: The Imperial Problem of Manufacturing and Self-Sufficiency in the Revolutionary Era”

Kate Brown, Huntington University, “Private Law with a Public Purpose: Law, Land, and Economic Development in Alexander Hamilton’s Republic”

Angel-Luke O’Donnell, King’s College London, “‘Pregnant with Many Advantages to America’: The Revolutionary Potential of Wool Manufacturing in Pennsylvania, 1765–1776”

Comment: Max Edling, King’s College London


 Session 29 • “Political Practices: Reconsidering Early American Politics in an Atlantic Context”
York Room

Chair/Comment: Rosemarie Zagarri, George Mason University

Katlyn Carter, University of Michigan, “Different Visions, Shared Practices: Federalist and Jacobin Uses of Government Secrecy”

Lindsay Chervinsky, Southern Methodist University, “The Unintended Consequence of International Engagement: How the United States Government Became More Like the British Monarchy”

Tyson Reeder, University of Virginia, “‘Witness the Maroons’: The Politicization of the Jamaican Maroons in the Early Republic”

 Session 30 • Roundtable — “Teaching #VastEarlyAmerica”
Tidewater A

Moderator: Alan Taylor, University of Virginia


Sheila McIntyre, State University of New York, Potsdam

Ronald Angelo Johnson, Texas State University

Andrés Reséndez, University of California Davis

 Session 31 • “Indigenous History and the Problem of ‘Benevolent’ Imperial Officials”
Tidewater B

Chair/Comment: Timothy Shannon, Gettysburg College

Lori Daggar, Ursinus College, “Philanthropy and Profit in Indian Country”

Alexandra Montgomery, University of Pennsylvania, “‘The Pretentions of the Indians’: Jonathan Belcher Jr. and Imperial Policy After the Fall of New France”

Ian Saxine, Alfred University, “‘The Rightful Owners’: Jonathan Belcher, Colonial Property, and Native Power in Eighteenth-Century New England”

 Session 32 • “The Negotiation of Oceans”
Chesapeake B

Chair: Molly Warsh, University of Pittsburgh

Alexandre Dubé, Washington University in St. Louis, “Senegalese Pontiac: North America Indigenous Diplomacy as an Atlantic Model, 1763–1768“

Matthijs Tieleman, University of California, Los Angeles, “Spies versus Smugglers: The Imperial Crisis in the Dutch Republic, 1763–1775”

Matthew Crow, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, “Thomas Jefferson’s Aqueous Worlds: From Ravaged Coasts to the Freedom of the Seas”

Comment: Christopher Magra, University of Tennessee Knoxville

 Session 33 • “Social Welfare and the Boundaries of Community in Early America”
Chesapeake C

Chair/Comment: Gabriel Loiacono, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

Laurel Daen, William & Mary, “‘Boarding, Nursing, & Extraordinary Trouble’: Poverty, Disability, and the Intimacy of Strangers in Eighteenth-Century Massachusetts”

Alyssa Penick, University of Michigan, “A Badge of Shame: Poor Relief, Established Religion, and Community in the Colonial Chesapeake”

Nicole Schroeder, University of Virginia, “‘Incurable Defects’: Physical Disability and the Philadelphia Outpatient Relief System, 1790–1840”

Meet Joshua Piker, Editor of the William and Mary Quarterly, at the OI Booth in Chesapeake A.
Elaine Crane signs copies of her book at the Cornell University Press exhibit in Chesapeake A.
Podcast Q&A Lunch with Liz Covart, creator and host of Ben Franklin’s World, and Chioke I’Anson, Virginia Commonwealth University and National Public Radio
Lodge 1
Poster Sessions
First Floor Lobby

Katherine Freedman, University of Massachusetts, “A Tangled Web: Quakers and Slavery in the Early Modern Anglo-Atlantic”

Candace Jackson Gray, Morgan State University, “Luck and Law in the Chesapeake: Cohens v. Virginia, 1821, The First Powerball Lottery”

Andrew Newman, Stonybrook University SUNY, “Captive Readers: Intertextuality in Colonial Encounters”

John Ruddiman, Wake Forest University,  “’We should have thought more about their deliverance’: Relationships between Revolutionary War Combatants and Enslaved Virginians in the Yorktown Campaign”


 Session 34 • Workshop — “Rethinking Race, Loyalty, and Subjecthood in the Long Eighteenth Century”
Colony Room

Audience limited to 12 people. Session is full. Materials will be pre-circulated.

Moderator/Participants: Matthew Dziennik, United States Naval Academy and Maria Alessandra Bollettino, Framingham State University

Brian Carroll, Central Washington University

Wim Klooster, Clark University

Hendrik Kraay, University of Calgary

Jane Landers, Vanderbilt University

Hannah Weiss Muller, Brandeis University

 Session 35 • Roundtable — “The Scales of Early America”
James Room

Moderator/Participant: Karen Ordahl Kupperman, New York University

Christine DeLucia, Mount Holyoke College

Brett Rushforth, University of Oregon

Molly Warsh, University of Pittsburgh

 Session 36 • Roundtable — “Approaching the History of American Capitalism from Early America”
York Room

Moderator: Emma Hart, University of St. Andrews

Cathy Matson, University of Delaware

Margaret Newell, Ohio State University

Christopher Tomlins, University of California Berkeley

Simon Middleton, William & Mary

 Session 37 • Roundtable — “Rumor in the Archive: Dubious Communications in Native American and African American Histories”
Tidewater A

Moderator: Gregory Evans Dowd, University of Michigan

Julie Fisher, George Washington University, “‘Private Talk’: Bilinguals in Early New England Rumor Scares”

Matthew Kruer, University of Chicago, “Rumor as Sociability and Sedition”

Justin Pope, Missouri University of Science & Technology, “How Rumors of Slave Rebellion United the Black Diaspora in the Early Eighteenth Century”

 Session 38 • Roundtable — “Teaching the U.S. Survey in the Age of #VastEarlyAmerica”
Tidewater B

Moderator: Megan L. Cherry, North Carolina State University

Alejandra Dubcovsky, University of California, Riverside

Maeve Kane, State University of New York at Albany

Heather Kopelson, University of Alabama

Sarah Purcell, Grinnell College

 Session 39 • Roundtable — “The Importance of Womanism in Early American Scholarship”
Chesapeake B

Moderator: Christian Ayne Crouch, Bard College

Marisa Fuentes, Rutgers University

Jennifer Palmer, University of Georgia, “Stability, Independence, and Autonomy in Saint-Domingue: Finding New Structures for Understanding Women’s Lives”

Sasha Turner, University of Quinnipiac, “Women, the Body, and the Study of Slavery””

Meet Liz Covart at the OI Publications booth in Chesapeake A.

Plenary • “Writing Together: Challenges and Rewards of Co-Authorship”
Commonwealth Auditorium

Moderator: Sarah Barringer Gordon, University of Pennsylvania

Annette Gordon-Reed, Harvard University

Peter Onuf, University of Virginia

Ariela Gross, University of Southern California

Alejandro de la Fuente, Harvard University


Reception at Jamestown Island