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OI 27th Annual Conference, “Vast Early America: A Transcontinental Conversation”

June 19, 2024 - June 21, 2024

Read the full program here.

NEW! Download this guide to Poitiers and the conference facilities compiled by students at the Université de Poitiers.

This conference is co-sponsored by the USC Huntington Early Modern Studies Institute, MIMMOC (Mémoires, Identités, Marginalités dans le Monde Occidental Contemporain), and MSHS Poitiers.

Registration and Hotel information below.

From the Call for Proposals

Early Americanists have become familiar with the framework of Vast Early America, but VEA’s engagement with continental Europe and Atlantic Africa remains underdeveloped. The distance is not only intellectual: The OI has not held its annual conference outside the Western Hemisphere since 2001, and scholarly organizations routinely tilt toward their host nation’s history.

In order to facilitate a long overdue transcontinental conversation about the relations between Vast Early America, Europe, and Africa, “Vast Early America: A Transcontinental Conversation” will be held in France, at the University of Poitiers. We aim simultaneously to facilitate conversations between early Americanists on both sides of the Atlantic, to uncover points where our respective approaches to the field have diverged, and to begin to carve out new paths forward that better integrate the insights and contributions of a wider range of early Americanists. With those goals in mind, we seek papers and panels that speak to a broad range of topics and approaches in early American history.

We are particularly interested in presentations that generate conversations about key issues among scholars working in different countries and within different scholarly traditions.  Panels might focus on questions including — but not limited to — revolution, rebellion, and political change/ continuity; global, regional, and local economies; Indigeneity, migration, transportation; enslavement and the enslaved; forms of exclusion and belonging; borders and territories in imperial and national systems; globalization and interconnectedness; identities, ideologies, and interests; sexualities, intimacies, bodies; logistics, authority, power; experiences of environmental transitions.  Transcontinental discussions of these and related topics are essential for the future of early American history.

Proposals for individual papers or complete panels must be received electronically no later than November 1, 2023. All submissions should include a one-page proposal and a one-page c.v. for each participant; panel submissions should also include a one-paragraph description. Each c.v. should include mail and email addresses and telephone numbers. Proposals for panels, workshops, and roundtables should combine all the participants’ c.v.’s into ONE document. We recognize the importance of pursuing a multilinguistic approach to research on Vast Early America. However, for this conference, we recommend proposals and papers be in English.

To support the participation of early career scholars and ensure the success of the program’s ambitions, some funds will be available to offset the costs of travel for some participants and will be allocated based on need. Please email us directly at to be considered for these funds.


If you are on the program for the conference then


If you are attending the conference as an audience member then


Plongez dans le passé

A word about the additional Saturday program “Plongez dans le Passé” from organizer, Professor Elodie Peyrol-Kleiber, co-chair of the conference program committee.

As part of our intention to develop pedagogical projects as well as scientific mediation endeavours, “Plongez dans le Passé: l’Amérique des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles à Poitiers”, which will take place on Saturday June the 22nd, will present the public with a free-access one-day event where the plurality and diversity of populations and cultures in the Americas of the 17th and 18th centuries will be represented. This live exhibition will feature in-person interviews, reenactors, historical associations, debates, music, and story-telling, all this backed up by scientific exhibition posters to introduce Early America to the general public and attempt to deconstruct preconceived ideas about that time and place, with the participation of students throughout the day. Please, feel free to join us for a moment of living a piece of history in Poitiers.

Hotel Information


Hôtel de l’Europe Poitiers
The Hotel de l’Europe is kindly holding a small number of rooms for us at a good rate. These rooms are not included in any online booking platforms. Information on how to book these rooms is given below.

  • Rates include breakfast and tourist tax:
  • Small single room S (accessible by stairs): €95.40 per night
  • Single room L: €105.40 per night

To book at the Hôtel de l’Europe Poitiers

  • Call 0033 5 49 88 12 00 or e-mail
  • Specify that you are coming as part of the “Vast Early America” conference
  • Specify the type of room (“S” rooms are accessible by stairs only and come with a bed of 140 cm width — approximately a US double bed. “L” rooms come with a bed of 160 cm width — approximately a US queen bed.)
  • Provide all the necessary information, date of arrival and departure, contact details (e-mail and telephone) and credit card details as a guarantee.

Other recommended hotels 

Hotel Ibis Poitiers Centre (note the “Centre” –there are several Ibis hotels in the area):

  • Email:
  • Phone: 0033 5 49 88 30 42
  • Guests are welcome to write to them in English.

Hotel Central:

 Additional information 

You can find other options via the Visit Poitiers link.