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Before you start this process, please be sure that you have the latest version of your browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc.) installed.

Please follow these guidelines when submitting the required documents.

  • Name all files according to the conventions given.
  • Use double-space and paginate all documents.
  • Submit all files in either MS Word (.doc, .docx) or PDF (.pdf) format.
  • Submit the four proposal components (abstract, methodology, funding and c.v.‘s) as separate files: do not group the documents into one PDF.
  • Ensure that all files are under 1 GB.

Please be aware that any new files you upload to a section will automatically replace any older files you submitted previously: multiple versions of the same file will not be saved.

Required documents

Prepare the following information to upload:

  • Brief abstract, 350 words maximum, describing the proposed conference topic, venue and dates, and potential or confirmed sources of financial support (File name: your last name_abstract)
  • Brief discussion, 350 words maximum, outlining methodological or historiographical issues (File name: your last name_method)
  • One-page c.v. for the primary applicant. If a team of applicants is proposing one conference, then please combine all the c.v.‘s in one document. (File name: last name of primary applicant_cv)
  • Outline of expected funding sources and the relevant application and notification deadlines. (File name: your last name_funding)


A letter from a Dean, Provost, or another person who can make commitments regarding expenditures, that specifies institutional funding either granted or pending.