PublicationsOverview PublicationsOverview

Publications Overview

3D SER., 51, NO. 4 (OCTOBER 1994)

King Philip&#;s Herds: Indians, Colonists, and the Problem of Livestock in Early New England 
Virginia DeJohn Anderson

Sometimes an Art, Never a Science, Always a Craft: A Conversation with Bernard Bailyn 
A. Roger Ekirch

Financing the Lowcountry Export Boom: Capital and Growth in Early Carolina 
Russell R. Menard

Forum: How Revolutionary Was the Revolution? A Discussion of Gordon S. Wood&#;s The Radicalism of the American Revolution

Joyce Appleby, The Radicalism of the American Republic679

Barbara Clark Smith, The Adequate Revolution684

Michael Zuckerman, Rhetoric, Reality, and the Revolution: The Genteel Radicalism of Gordon Wood693

Gordon S. Wood, Equality and Social Conflict in the American Revolution703


Comments on James A. Hijiya&#;s “Why the West Is Lost” from Robert Berkhofer, Paul Boyer et al., Edward Countryman, Marc Egnal, John Mack Faragher, Jay Gitlin, Wilbur Jacobs, Russell R. Menard andMatthew Mulcahy, Donna Merwick, Jack N. Rakove, and Gordon S. Wood, with a response from James A. Hijiya717

Notes and Documents

Sir James Steuart: Nine Letters on the American Conflict, 1775&#;1778 
David Raynor and Andrew Skinner

“Releese us out of this Cruell Bondegg”: An Appeal from Virginia in 1723 
Thomas Ingersoll

Reviews of Books

Said, Culture and Imperialism. By Myra Jehlen 783

Richter, The Ordeal of the Longhouse: The Peoples of the Iroquois League in the Era of European Colonization. By Denys Delâge 787

Bartels, Spectacles of Strangeness: Imperialism, Alienation, and Marlowe. By Bruce Thomas Boehrer 790

Anderson, New England&#;s Generation: The Great Migration and the Formation of Society and Culture in the Seventeenth Century. By Richard P. Gildrie 792

Rereading Aphra Behn: History, Theory, and Criticism, ed. Hutner. By Germaine Greer 794

Slavery and the Rise of the Atlantic System, ed. Solow. By Stephen D. Behrendt 797

Lawson, The East India Company: A History. By Kathleen Wilson 800

Clark, The Public Prints: The Newspaper in Anglo-American Culture, 1665&#;1740. By Jeremy Black 802

Derounian-Stodola and Levernier, The Indian Captivity Narrative, 1550&#;1900. By June Namias 803

An Illustrated Glossary of Early Southern Architecture and Landscape, ed. Lounsbury. By Richard Guy Wilson 805

The Papers of Lewis Morris. Volume I: 1698&#;1730. Volume II: 1731–1737. Volume III: 1738–1746, ed. Sheridan. By Mary Lou Lustig 807

Cohen, Benjamin Franklin&#;s Science. By Chandos Michael Brown 810

Nash, Race and Revolution. By Ruth Bogin 811

Calhoon, Dominion and Liberty: Ideology in the Anglo-American World, 1660&#;1801. By Robert E. Shalhope 814

Beyond the American Revolution: Explorations in the History of American Radicalism, ed. Young. By Barbara Karsky 816

Wilderson, Governor John Wentworth & the American Revolution: The English Connection. By Gordon E. Kershaw 819

Potter-MacKinnon, While the Women Only Wept: Loyalist Refugee Women. By David V. J. Bell 821

O&#;Connor, Origins of the American Navy: Sea Power in the Colonies and the New Nation. By William M. Fowler, Jr. 823

Tucker, The Jeffersonian Gunboat Navy. By William M. Fowler, Jr. 823

Randall, Thomas Jefferson: A Life. By Frank Shuffelton 824

Ericson, The Shaping of American Liberalism: The Debates over Ratification, Nullification, and Slavery. By Richard J. Ellis 826

Anderson, Creating the Constitution: The Convention of 1787 and the First Congress. By Richard B. Bernstein 829

Kling, A Field of Divine Wonders: The New Divinity and Village Revivals in Northwestern Connecticut, 1792&#;1822. By Stephen R. Grossbart 831

Furtwangler, Acts of Discovery: Visions of America in the Lewis and Clark Journals. By Charles A. Miller 834

Perry, Boats against the Current: American Culture between Revolution and Modernity, 1820&#;1860. By Bertram Wyatt-Brown 836

Aldridge, The Dragon and the Eagle: The Presence of China in the American Enlightenment. By Warren I. Cohen 839

Greenstone, The Lincoln Persuasion: Remaking America Liberalism. By Lewis Perry 841

Sundquist, To Wake the Nations: Race in the Making of American Literature. By John Lowe 843

Lindgren, Preserving the Old Dominion: Historic Preservation and Virginia Traditionalism. By John D. Krugler 845


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