PublicationsOverview PublicationsOverview

Publications Overview

3D SER., 31, NO. 3 (JULY 1974)

Evangelical Revolt: The Nature of the Baptists&#; Challenge to the Traditional Order in Virginia, 1765 to 1775 
Rhys Isaac

Anglican Officeholding in Pre-Revolutionary Connecticut: The Parameters of New England Community 
Bruce E. Steiner

The Origins of Civil Millennialism in America: New England Clergymen 
Nathan O. Hatch

“Gospel Order Improved”: The Keithian Schism and the Exercise of Quaker Ministerial Authority in Pennsylvania 
Jon Butler

Notes and Documents

Perry Miller: A Note on His Sources in The New England Mind: The Seventeenth Century 
George Selement

The Half-Way Covenant and Religious Scrupulosity: The First Church of Dorchester, Massachusetts, as a Test Case 
Ross W. Beales, Jr.

Congregational Clericalism: New England Ordinations before the Great Awakening 
J. William T. Youngs, Jr.

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