June 3rd
JUNE 1–3, 2018
Co-sponsored by the Omohundro Institute and the John Carter Brown Library
and held on the campus of Brown University
All sessions will take place at 85 Waterman Street in room 130.
SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 2018
Session 8 • The Making and the Silencing of the Archive in the U.S. Slave Trade
Chair: Jennifer L. Morgan, New York University
Robert Colby, University of North Carolina, “‘Literal and Characteristic Abstracts’: The Civil War and the Creation of Slave Trading Archives”
Karen Morse, University of Rhode Island, “An Archivist, an Historian, and a Museum Educator Walk into the Archive: Archival Challenges to Understanding and Presenting Enslaved Lives in the 17th and 18th Centuries””
Viola Müller, Leiden University, “Slave Refugees in the Urban South and what the Archival Silence Reveals Rather than Obscures”