3D SER., 81, No. 4 (October 2024)
Financing Freedom: Self-Purchase and Reenslavement in Seventeenth-Century Andalucía
Michelle A. McKinley
Negotiated Federalism: Governmental Relations on the Maritime Frontier, 1789–1815
Grace E. Mallon
“Related Around the Mountain”: Relational Sovereignty and Coalition Building in the California Interior
Naomi Sussman
Reviews of Books
“Between Black and White: Race, Slavery, and Literacy in Early America,” a review essay of Bynum, Reading Pleasures: Everyday Black Living in Early America; Hutchins, Before Equiano: A Prehistory of the North American Slave Narrative; and Waldstreicher, The Odyssey of Phillis Wheatley: A Poet’s Journey through American Slavery and Independence.
By Antonio T. Bly
“Different Perspectives on the Haitian Revolution,” a review essay of Alexander, Fear of a Black Republic: Haiti and the Birth of Black Internationalism in the United States; Eddins, Rituals, Runaways, and the Haitian Revolution: Collective Action in the African Diaspora.
By James Sidbury
Alexander, Liberty’s Grid: A Founding Father, a Mathematical Dreamland, and the Shaping of America.
By James E. Lewis Jr.
Carter, Democracy in Darkness: Secrecy and Transparency in the Age of Revolutions.
By Terry Bouton
Garrigus, A Secret among the Blacks: Slave Resistance before the Haitian Revolution.
By Rashauna Johnson
Hatfield, Boundaries of Belonging: English Jamaica and the Spanish Caribbean, 1655–1715.
By Jesse Cromwell
Lurie, The American Liberty Pole: Popular Politics and the Struggle for Democracy in the Early Republic.
By Michael D. Hattem
Minty, Unfriendly to Liberty: Loyalist Networks and the Coming of the American Revolution in New York City.
By Rebecca Brannon
Morriello, Messengers of Empire: Print and Revolution in the Atlantic World.
By Jordan E. Taylor
Wigginton, Indigenuity: Native Craftwork and the Art of American Literatures.
By KT Thompson