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Publications Overview

3D SER., 69, NO. 1 (JANUARY 2012)

Forum: Rethinking Mercantilism


Steve Pincus, Rethinking Mercantilism: Political Economy, the British Empire, and the Atlantic World in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries3   |  Abstract

Cathy Matson, Imperial Political Economy: An Ideological Debate and Shifting Practices35

Christian J. Koot, Balancing Center and Periphery41

Susan D. Amussen, Political Economy and Imperial Practice47

Trevor Burnard, Making a Whig Empire Work: Transatlantic Politics and the Imperial Economy in Britain and British America51

Margaret Ellen Newell, Putting the ÜPolitical” Back in Political Economy (This Is Not Your Parents&#’ Mercantilism)57

Steve Pincus, Reconfiguring the British Empire63

The Plantation Hoe: The Rise and Fall of an Atlantic Commodity, 650&#;1850
Abstract  | Web Supplement
Chris Evans

Geopolitics and Intrigue: James Wilkinson, the Spanish Borderlands, and Mexican Independence
Abstract  | Web Supplement
David E. Narrett

Research Note

State Redemption of the Continental Dollar, 779&#;90
Farley Grubb

Richter, Before the Revolution: America&#’s Ancient Pasts . By Kathleen DuVal181

Greene and Morgan, eds., Atlantic History: A Critical Appraisal . By Paul Mapp186

Frank, Constituent Moments: Enacting the People in Postrevolutionary America . By Sophia Rosenfeld192


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