Colloq with Simon Newman

Join us on Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 5:00 pm in the Cox classroom of the Reeder Media Center, lower level of Swem Library, as we welcome Simon Newman. Professor Newman will discuss “Taken Not Given: the end of slavery in Britain.” England’s Somerset v Stewart (1772) and Scotland’s Knight v Wedderburn (1778) have often been interpreted as ending… Read More

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ONLINE Colloq with Heather Freund

Join us online on Tuesday, November 14, 2023, at 5:00 pm ET for a colloquium with Heather Freund. Dr. Freund will discuss an article in progress titled, “Plotting Marronage in Early Nineteenth Century Grenada.” The article explores marronage in early nineteenth-century Grenada through lists of runaway slaves – some of which include their names, where they fled from, and… Read More

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