“Mistress, Housemaid, Daughter, Spy: Servants and the Management of Household
 Gossip in 17th Century New England"

OI Colloquium with Melissa Johnson In seventeenth-century New England, female servants’ presence in intimate settings, their mobility in towns and villages, and their associations with other households made them part of a complex set of relationships through which information flowed. Servant gossip had the potential to upend hierarchies and household governance by creating opportunities for lower status women and… Read More

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Change, COVID-Accelerated.

By Karin Wulf For the last years the OI team—staff, Board, and Council, with feedback from the community—has been thinking about how to serve ever wider public and scholarly communities.  We have expanded short-term and longer-term fellowship offerings through partnerships.  We have expanded opportunities for students and early career scholars in particular to share their research.  And we have… Read More

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