Digital Sources, Analog Citations

Today’s post is by Andrew Newman, author of Allegories of Encounter: Colonial Literacy and Indian Captivities, published in January 2019 by the Omohundro Institute with our partners at the University of North Carolina Press. It is available in paperback. by Andrew Newman The image on the right is a copper engraving from a 1725 Amsterdam edition of François de… Read More

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Daily Life and Wartime Disruption

Today’s post is by October 2018 WMQ author Lauren Duval. by Lauren Duval The American Revolution, Mary Beth Norton asserted in her classic study, Liberty’s Daughters, had “profound consequences for the entire population” and unsettled “normal patterns of life.”[1] I found this notion particularly intriguing and I was eager to explore it further as I delved into my dissertation… Read More

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OI History: Tales from Former Apprentices, Part 5

As part of our seventy-fifth anniversary, we at the Omohundro Institute continue to reflect on what makes our institution such a special place. One of those things is our Apprenticeship in Historical Editing. Today’s guest post comes from former apprentice Martha J. King who is now a senior editor at the Papers of Thomas Jefferson. By Martha… Read More

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OI History: Tales from Former Apprentices, Part 4

As part of our seventy-fifth anniversary, we at the Omohundro Institute continue to reflect on what makes our institution such a special place. One of those things is our Apprenticeship in Historical Editing. Today’s guest post comes from former apprentice Kevin Butterfield who is now the Executive Director of the Fred W. Smith National Library for the… Read More

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OI History: The Past and Present of the OI’s Apprenticeship in Historical Editing

by Holly White As part of our seventy-fifth anniversary, we at the Omohundro Institute continue to reflect on what makes our institution such a special place. One of those things is our Apprenticeship in Historical Editing. I was an apprentice from 2010–2011 and received my training from the managing editor of the William and Mary Quarterly, Erin Bendiner, and… Read More

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Meet the 2018 Scholars' Workshop

The 2018 Scholars’ Workshop convened at the Omohundro Institute on July 2. Each summer up to eight untenured scholars gather for two weeks to work both as a group and individually with OI editors and staff on either a manuscript chapter or a journal article in progress. The weeks include seminar-style meetings on conceptual development, manuscript editing, and source… Read More

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WMQs shelvesTW

Collaboration can't be rushed

Today’s post comes courtesy of authors from the William and Mary Quarterly April 2018 Forum “Materials and Methods in Native American and Indigenous Studies: Completing the Turn.” by Alyssa Mt. Pleasant, Caroline Wigginton, and Kelly Wisecup The forum is the result of a multi-year collaboration between three editors, not all of whom had worked together before or even met in person. Read More

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Atomic Bonds

By Nadine Zimmerli, Associate Editor, Books My job continues to surprise and delight. The most unexpected and fascinating email I received last year contained the following attachment, courtesy of Cameron Strang, whose OI book Frontiers of Science comes out this summer: This card connects one Institute to another: issued by the library of the Institute for… Read More

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On "slow history": Decolonizing methodologies and the importance of responsive editorial processes

Christine DeLucia, author of “Fugitive Collections in New England Indian Country: Indigenous Material Culture and Early American History Making at Ezra Stiles’s Yale Museum” in the January 2018 edition of the William and Mary Quarterly  reflects on the broader implications of making a “simple” change to her recent article. by Christine DeLucia It wasn’t quite a “stop the presses!”… Read More

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Further Thoughts on Douglas Winiarski's Bancroft Prize-winning Book

This week we were thrilled to learn that Douglas L. Winiarski’s Darkness Falls on the Land of Light: Experiencing Religious Awakenings in Eighteenth-Century New England (OI and UNCP, 2017) was one of three books awarded the 2018 Bancroft Prize. This sweeping history of popular religion in eighteenth-century New England is simultaneously magisterial in scope and carefully attuned… Read More

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Politics, Religion, Then, Now

WMQ author Katherine Carté Engel (January 2018) discusses some of the questions the editorial process forced her to confront when writing her article “Connecting Protestants in Britain’s Eighteenth-century Atlantic Empire.” by Katherine Carté Engel According to the handy new tool put up by Michael McDonnell, the word “colonial” appears 138 times in titles in the WMQ. I’m not… Read More

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On Fit and Frame

Today’s post is by David Chan Smith, author of “The Hudson’s Bay Company, Social Legitimacy, and the Political Economy of Eighteenth-Century Empire” in the January 2018 edition of the William and Mary Quarterly.  by David Chan Smith The six reviewers! This was my first thought when asked how my article on the political economy of empire had changed… Read More

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