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Uncommon Sense

By Joseph M. Adelman · May 22, 2018

Call: Reflecting on 75 Years of OI Books

digital projects 4 min read

NOTE: We’re extending the call to June 22! Please see below for the link to apply.

Over the past seventy-five years, the Omohundro Institute has published dozens of books that run the gamut of early American history and help trace the development of the field from a relatively narrow focus on the English colonies to what we are now describing as #VastEarlyAmerica, with connections within North America, across the globe, traced by scholars working in history, literature, art, geography, and others. We’re proud of every single book, each of which has helped shaped the field. And we’re grateful and honored that so many Institute books have been recognized for excellence, including one winner of the Pulitzer Prize and seven winners of the Bancroft Prize among dozens of other awards.

As part of the commemorations of the 75th anniversary of the Institute, we want to highlight not only the most important books in the field, but also those that have been meaningful in other ways to scholars engaged in studying early America. So this summer at Uncommon Sense, we’re publishing a series of posts in which scholars share their reflections on a volume from our list of publications. That means we need you to tell us what book has been influential for your work as a scholar and teacher.

You are welcome to choose any book from the list of publications, whether a prominent work well known not only among early Americanists but also more broadly, or a work that has not received nearly as much attention. Or you can select a small handful of books on a theme. And we are proud of our books, but one of the key components of historical study is the constant conversation and revision of how we understand the past, so we encourage you to think about not only books that have shaped you in a positive way, but also those that motivated you to branch out in new directions.

To apply, go to the proposal page, which will ask you for the following:

  • Your name
  • Your affiliation
  • Your email address
  • Which book(s) you’d like to write about
  • A 100-word abstract explaining your approach

We will accept proposals through June 8. Final posts should be about 1,000-1,500 words in length, and will be scheduled on a weekly basis through the summer.

If you have any questions, please contact Joseph Adelman, Assistant Editor for Digital Initiatives.


[…] OI’s books team and new Editor of Books Cathy Kelly, our Assistant Editor for Digital Initiatives Joe Adelman is promoting a series of blog posts on how the OI’s books have helped frame the vast early American field. I suspect most of the […]
The OI Book That Made Me a Historian - Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture - Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture  •  June 01, 2018

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