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Colloquium with Emily Macgillivray

March 28, 2023, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm EDT

Join us ONLINE for a discussion of “Sally Ainse: An Oneida Woman’s Politics and Property in the Thames River Valley Borderlands, 1790 to 1830.”

Emily Macgillivray is an assistant professor of Native American Studies at Northland College, Canada. She received a PhD in American Studies from the University of Michigan. Her research focuses on 18th and 19th century Native American history of the Great Lakes, and in particular the northern border between the United States and Canada. Her research also engages material and environmental sources to gain insights into the lives of women who authored few textual documents.

The OI holds between three and six colloquia per semester to discuss projects (usually a postdoctoral book chapter or article) in progress. The paper is pre-circulated and available by request. Although only postdoctoral work is presented, graduate students at all levels are warmly encouraged to attend the sessions and participate in the discussions.

To receive copies of the pre-circulated papers you must register in advance. All colloq participants are expected to have read the paper before the discussion and are asked to refrain from sharing the papers with others. We thank you for your observance of this request.