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WMQ-UCI Workshop

October 11‒12, 2018  •  Irvine, CA  •  Schedule

Abstracts Logistics Registration Download

All sessions will take place in HIB 135 (Building #610)

Thursday, October 11, 2018

8:30‒9:00 Coffee and pastries
9:00‒9:30 Introductions
9:45‒11:00Session 1

Evidence, Archives, and Collective Digital Research
Ashley Falzetti, University of Windsor

Commentator: Christine DeLucia, Newberry Library, Williams College

11:15‒12:30Session 2

What Lies Beneath: Mapping North Atlantic Historic Landscapes with Low-Elevation Aerial Survey
Amanda Crompton, The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science and Marc Bolli, Memorial University

Commentator: Joshua Piker, Omohundro Institute

1:30‒2:45 Session 3

The Oak of Jerusalem: Flight, Refuge, and Reconnaissance in the Great Dismal Swamp
Christy Hyman, University of Nebraska, Lincoln

Commentator: Barbara Krauthamer, University of MA, Amherst

2:45‒3:00 Break
3:00‒4:15 Session 4

(In)Visibility and Conquest: Using Data and Geo-Visualization Techniques to Trace Indigenous Activity in Conquest-Era Peru
Jeremy Mikecz, University of Southern California

Commentator: Rachel O’Toole, University of California, Irvine

Friday, October 12, 2018

9:00‒9:30 Coffee and pastries
9:30‒10:45Session 5

All One People and Under One King: Social Network Analysis of Ethnic Separation in a Mixed-Race Congregation, 1730-1740
Maeve Kane, University of Albany

Commentator: Terri Snyder, California State University, Fullerton

11:00‒12:15Session 6

Visualizing Space and Time in the Early American Novel
Edward Larkin, University of Delaware

Commentator: Rodrigo Lazo, University of California, Irvine

1:30‒2:45 Session 7

Cite Unseen: Mapping Information Networks in the Revolutionary Atlantic
Jordan Taylor, Indiana University, Bloomington

Commentator: Cameron Blevins, Northeastern University

2:45‒3:00 Break
3:00‒4:15 Session 8

“Inlet to the Heart of North America”: Visualizing Spatial Experience and Imagination along the St. Lawrence River, ca. 1500-1867
S. Max Edelson, University of Virginia

Commentator: Kevin Dawson, University of California, Merced

4:15‒4:45 Closing remarks