blog-post blog-post

Uncommon Sense

By Martha Howard · April 12, 2016


4 min read

Tomorrow, April 13, Karin Wulf and a panel of experts in scholarly publishing will conduct a symposium at Columbia University to discuss major issues facing academic authors today. The event is open to the public and described below. You can also follow along (and/or join in) on Twitter by following #4ContentProviders. In the meantime, you may also want to read Karin’s Monday blog post on Scholarly Kitchen.  It’s a good primer for many of the issues (and misconceptions) that the group will discuss tomorrow. The stakes are high. We hope you join in!

Calling All Content Providers:
Authors in the Brave New Worlds of Scholarly Communication

A symposium for early career humanities scholars



Major movements and issues in scholarly communications are controversial:  Open Access, discoverability and privacy, metrics and alt-metrics, sustainability, the role of for profit publishers and aggregators, funder policies.  One thing many in the
scholarly communications business can agree on, however, is that for the most part scholars are disconnected from these important developments that are nonetheless shaping how they do their research and how it is disseminated.  The stakes are high for researchers across disciplines, though many of these issues emanate from needs or perceived needs in STEM.

This symposium is designed to raise some of these issues and discuss their particular importance for graduate students and early career academics in the humanities. It brings together scholarly communications professionals, including librarians, publishers, and experts in data analytics, for a conversation aimed at exploring whether the values and needs of humanities scholars are reflected in these emerging changes.  What are the urgent issues for humanities scholars?  How can and should authors expect to produce and share their scholarship?  How should they expect their work to be evaluated by their peers and for promotion and tenure?


  • Rick Anderson, Associate Dean for Collections and Scholarly Communications, University of Utah, and President-Elect, Society for Scholarly Publishing
  • David Crotty, Editorial Director, Journals Policy at Oxford University Press and Editor in Chief of the Scholarly Kitchen
  • Rebecca Kennison, Principal at K/N Consultants
  • Alice Meadow, Director of Community Engagement and Support, ORCID
  • Karin Wulf, Director, Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture and Professor of History, College of William & Mary


Wednesday, April 13th Columbia University Faculty House

The stakes are high

RSVP to Melissa Morris at by April 10

Presented by the Columbia University Seminars on American Studies and Early American History and Culture

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