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Uncommon Sense

By Joseph M. Adelman · September 06, 2016

2017 Conference Applications Due Soon

conferences 2 min read

640px-AngellHall2010The fall semester is just underway on campuses across the United States, but it’s already time to think about next summer’s conference season. In just one week (on September 15), we will reach the application deadline for the 23rd Annual Institute Conference, scheduled for June 15-18, 2017, in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

The program committee, chaired by David Hancock (University of Michigan), and co-chaired by Patrick Griffin (University of Notre Dame), Margaret Newell (The Ohio State University), and Joseph Rezek (Boston University), looks forward to reading applications on all aspects of early American history and culture. The trip to Michigan is a homecoming of sorts for the Institute, as the University hosted the first Institute annual conference in 1994. With that in mind, the organizers are particularly interested in encouraging applications on the conference theme of “Taking Stock,” asking participants to think about the major debates in early American history.

As always, the program will include a range of events, including panels, roundtables, and plenary sessions. The University of Michigan is also home to the William L. Clements Library, a leading repository of early American artifacts.

For more information and submission instructions, please see the Call for Papers and the Panel Locator.

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