The Creation of the American Republic, 1776-1787
During the Revolutionary era, American political theory underwent a fundamental transformation that carried the nation out of a basically classical and medieval world of political discussion into a milieu that was recognizably modern. This classic work is a study of that transformation. Gordon Wood describes in rich detail the evolution of political thought from the Declaration of Independence to the ratification of the Constitution and in the process greatly illuminates the origins of the present American political system.
About The Author
Gordon S. Wood is Alva O. Way University Professor and Professor of History at Brown University.
The John H. Dunning Prize, American Historical Association (1970)
Bancroft Prize, Columbia University Libraries (1970)
Finalist, National Book Award (1970)
“One of the half dozen most important books ever written about the American Revolution.”–New York Times Book Review
“During the nearly two decades since its publication, this book has set the pace, furnished benchmarks, and afforded targets for many subsequent studies. If ever a work of history merited the appellation ‘modern classic,’ this is surely one.”–William and Mary Quarterly
“[A] brilliant and sweeping interpretation of political culture in the Revolutionary generation.”–New England Quarterly
“This is an admirable, thoughtful, and penetrating study of one of the most important chapters in American history.”–Wesley Frank Craven